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Best Mattress Covers For Stopping Bed Bugs

Bed bug mattress covers have proven to be invaluable products in the fight against bed bugs. The mattress cover has grown so popular because it not only makes an effective elimination tool but can be used as a means of prevention as well. Bed bugs are parasitic insects that can spread quickly through the property. Taking the time to keep them confined to one room or even practicing preventive measures can go a long way to safeguarding you and your family. That’s exactly what the bed bug mattress cover can offer.

What Is A Bed Bug Mattress Cover?

It’s entirely possible that you were just researching bed bugs and came across this page. You might not know anything about mattress covers at all. If this is the case, consider yourself lucky because you are about to learn about one of the most invaluable tools available today for combating this unwanted threat. A bed bug mattress cover is a protective sheet or bag for your mattress. It engulfs the mattress in its entirety, protecting it from the outside world. Given the fact that this product wraps around your mattress and seals, it performs two important tasks. The first is that it keeps everything inside the mattress contained. Nothing will be able to leave the mattress. Secondly, it prevents anything new from getting in the mattress. Since ninety percent of bed bug infestations take place in the mattress, you can already see how invaluable this product is.

Picking The Right Mattress Cover For Your Home

If you can understand how invaluable the mattress cover is so can most manufacturers. This is why the market is now why the market is completely oversaturated with products like this. You’ll find that there are literally hundreds of different designs of these products to choose from. Although this might seem like a good thing, it will only make your quest to find the right one that much harder. That is unless you know exactly what to look for in these types of products.

Does It Offer A Warranty?

It doesn’t matter if you are shopping for bed bug covers or bed bug steamers, you must seek a product that offers a warranty. This virtually means that if the product is ineffective, you can return it for a full refund. It also proves that the company peddling the product really cares about pleasing their customers. A good long warranty is necessary.

Consider A Waterproof Lining

Sleep is an enjoyable part of life. It’s essential to a healthy and active lifestyle. As pertinent as sleep is, it can be messy. Your body secrets and produces all kinds of chemicals and fluids when you sleep. Consequently, it won’t be uncommon for you to sweat or even drool a little. Choosing a cover with a waterproof seal can help combat these very conditions.

The Material Matters

Speaking of waterproof linings, the material of the cover is just as important. When shopping you’ll see that these products are constructed with a wide range of materials. Some use polyester materials, whereas other manufacturers opt for cloth designs. Whatever the situation, each comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Just make sure you know the materials and what each offer. Choose the one that best meshes with your lifestyle and sleeping arrangements.

The Protection Level

Above all else, a mattress cover is going to be useless if it isn’t made of a strong material that fully encloses all six sides of the mattress. The cover you are considering should offer the highest level of protection. It doesn’t take much to render these products ineffective. For instance, if you install the cover wrong, it won’t work. You buy the wrong sisze, and it won’t offer adequate protection. You need a cover that has been extensively tested in the field and offers the highest guaranteed protection level possible. Some of the better designs will not only include reinforced seams and durable zipper mechanisms, but they’ll include zipper seals. An additional cover that flaps down over the zipper when the product is sealed.

Are These Products Worth The Money?

You better believe that the mattress cover is worth every penny. This is if you buy the right one and install it properly. The major problem here is there are so many tiny things that can go wrong to render the product useless. A rip, a tear, or even the wrong size selection can render these products ineffective. It is usually best to consult with a professional when considering products like this. And we’ll be more than glad to give our two cents worth. All you must do is get in touch with our San Jose branch and speak with our encasement specialists. They will be able to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding these products.

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